“We can’t land. Do you think he’ll make it to first light?” asked the pilot. A long deafening pause came over the radio as the sound of the rain pelted the helicopter. “He’s not going to make it 30 minutes,” the voice on the ground radio replied hopelessly. The crew on board looked at each other intensely as the monsoon swirled around them, making it difficult for the copter to stay in the air. “Ok,” the pilot replied. “Hang in there. We’re turning around to get you.”

When Bob answers the call from someone wanting to learn more, he knows exactly what to listen for on the other end
He’ll give you a compassionate and straightforward description of the experience waiting for you at Alliance180. He understands and acknowledges the risks. He’ll let you know there are no guarantees, only opportunities.
Bob’s open conversation and insight are just the beginning of this transformative equine experience. By revealing the power of the unspoken language within a horse-to-human interaction, the peer-to-peer, purpose-driven process enhances communication, reestablishes trust, and reawakens the emotional response of fellow veterans, first responders, and frontline healthcare workers.
If you're a veteran, first responder or frontline healthcare worker looking to experience A180, call Bob directly at 518-744-3600 or email him at bob@alliance180.org
Never be afraid to go in an opposite direction to find a solution.
Richard Saul Wurman
Founder of TED